Thursday, March 3, 2016

Do you know how to get through menopause the natural way?

Many women dread the anticipated symptoms of menopause. They fear the potential hot flashes, weight gain, bloating, memory loss, or night sweats. Every woman is different and will approach menopause at different ages. However, you can experience what is called “early menopause” as young as in your mid-thirties. However, there is no reason to fear this change in your life. If you take the proper steps before your body goes through these natural changes, emotional and physical health can be affected. It is important to take care of the body prior to these changes for the best outcome. 

As you approach your mid to late 30’s, hormones begin to change as your egg supply gradually decreases.  You may start noticing shortened menstrual cycles or different PMS symptoms.  The estrogen and progesterone levels will fluctuate and then eventually your estrogen levels will drop till you have no menstrual periods.  These are normal menopausal symptoms.  Abnormal menopausal symptoms are the hot flashes, weight gain, undesirable hair growth, dry skin and hair, bloating, you know…all the “symptoms” we are supposed to fear. Hormonal imbalance is what makes these symptoms abnormal.
There are many reasons behind hormonal imbalances that we do not have control over. 
Learn how to get through menopause the natural way and give us a call at 713.339.2000.

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