Tuesday, March 29, 2016

5 steps to feeling better - Restore an Alkaline Body ph

Step 1: Restore an Alkaline Body pH

The first goal on the way to great health is to restore the body’s pH to the alkaline range. Almost all chronic illness takes place in a body that has become acidic due to the gradual depletion of its mineral reserves. The state of the body’s acid/alkaline balance can be easily measured by testing the urine using pH paper. If the first morning urine pH is acidic or alkaline ( the first morning urine is defined as the first urination after 5 AM)
If the first morning urine pH is acidic (a pH below 6.4), this indicates the body is in a state of physiological dysregulation and distress due to lack of sufficient minerals which are needed to adequately carry out thousands of basic cellular functions. Our immediate first goal is to restore a consistently alkaline first morning urine pH ( within the range of 6.4 to 7.0) by using fast-acting coral minerals (which are highly ionized and easily absorbed). The next step is to begin testing the evening urine pH (best measured just before the dinner meal around 5 or 6 PM)
The pH Trio
The three synergistic products are Coral Legend, Aloe Drink and Cod Liver Oil. If there is infection in the bone Bone and Joint Complex are added.
Rapid improvement of the pH is seen in most cases when no infection is present. Many Americans over age 30 have a low grade, chronic infection mostly from dental and intestinal infectins. Americans often consume high-protein diets. The heavy protein diets rapidly exhaust the body’s mineral reserves. People who are on high-protein diets show an erratic urine pH in the evening. An evening urine pH that bobs in and out of the alkaline can be a marker of chronic infection. The best approach is to gradually decrease high protein consumption to normal levels eliminating all infections.
HCL Detox Therapy
One of the least expensive and most effective methods to help the body overcome and eliminate chronic infections and immune exhaustion is HCL Detox Therapy. The three products are Betaine HCL, HCL Activator and Digest.

Step 2: Stabilize Hormone Balance

Hormones are internal messengers which are necessary to control and regulate the body’s process. Chronic illiness leads to hormonal exhaustion. The next step is to identify and support the glands which need more support to produce a sufficient amount of their hormones. Hormone deficiency can lead to global body symptoms such as sleep dysregulation, difficulty with the bowels, chronic fatigue, the inability to exercise and can negatively influence literally any organ or gland in the body.
The Most Common Areas Which May Need Support Are:
Pituitary/Hypothalamic Support
If the pituitary is weak or toxic, there may be runaway, allergic-type reactions
Adaptogen provides support for the pituitary neuro-endocrine axis. This product supports to rebalance the entire brain and adrenal neuroendocrine system.
Gold 360 contains the only live, viable stem cell source for cell rejuvenation. It supports the kidneys, adrenals, brain, pituitary, hypothalamus and thyroid.
Adrenal/Pituitary Support
The most common hormonal imbalance is adrenal dysfunction. Adrenal stress is epidemic in America. The adrenals play 3 key roles: 1) fluid balance, 2) helps settle inflammation in the body when needed, 3) provides sufficient energy to et through each day.
When a person doe not get 5 continuous hours of sleep at night, often there will be adrenal exhaustion. Since a key role of the adrenals is to hold moisture in the intestines, when the adrenals are stressed, there may be hard stools for bowel eliminations.
Adrenal Complex is often used together with Adaptogen to support the adrenals and spleen.
Max Stress B Nano-Plex are B vitamins which are used by the adrenals to upregulate adrenal hormone production and by the liver and brain to deliver instantaneous upregulation in their function.
Reproductive Hormone Support
The first goal of natural hormone therapy is to support the hormone-related organs to balance hormone production. The next step is to detoxify the hormone-related organs (especially liver and pituitary) for the most efficient functioning of hormone usage. Lastly,the goal is to keep the body’s hormones in balance by providing the nutrients the body needs to adequately produce its own hormones.
Multi-Pollen Extract
It provides 18 different European pollens (with over 500 different bioflavonoids) for maximum whole-body hormone support. Multi-Pollen support female and male reproductive hormone balance. It also helps strength the bladder to support healthy urination and the prostate.
Thyroid Support
Low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) are commonly the result of stress, heavy metal exposure/toxicity, inadequate dietary nutrients, low iodine intake, low progesterone levels.
Because of the key role the thyroid plays in hormone regulation, a toxic thyroid can create create false thyroid suppression. After adequately detoxifying the thyroid, many women who have been on synthetic thyroid medication for years have been able to eliminate these medications.
Thyroid Complex
Often heavy metals, infection and/or radiation damage may impair the thyroid’s function
HM Nano-Detox
HM Nano-Detox an anti-infective formula may be used along with Thyroid Complex as needed to rapidly recover optimal thyroid function and detoxification, especially in heavy metal toxicity.
Super Nano-Green Tea
Super Nano-Green Tea is the most effective radiation detox therapy for the thyroid and parathyroid and is proven support for rapid body recovery from radiation damage.

Step 3: Detoxify the Body

Identify current toxic body burden and begin appropriate detoxification protocols So great is the exposure and bio-accummulation of toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals, pesticide/insecticide residues and industrial chemicals, that detox nutritional support be individualized for each person.
1) Deep Cellular Detoxification
HCL Detox and Activator HCL does deep cellular detoxification and remethylation.
2) Heavy Metal Detoxication
To help cleanse heavy metal deposits from the brain, kidney, bowels, thyroid, and parathyroid.
HM Nano Detox
HM Detox
Pesticide/Insecticide Detoxification
Citrus Pectin helps eliminate the stubborn residues of pesticides, insecticides and other chemical toxins
Kidney Support
Kidney Complex is a blood purifying properties of this extract which helps download the toxic burden on the kidneys and bowels.
Liver/Gallbladder Support
Gallbladder Nanto-Detox
Max Stress Nano-Plex
Deep Lymphatic Drainage
Immunocidin degranulates the rock hard type lymph deposits, such as found in the groin or breast area.

Step 4: Eliminate Chronic Infections

More than 1 in 2 people according to the Centers for Disease most Americans are chronically ill. Most chronic illness is really due to infection. We must first identify specific nutritional deficiencies, and the provide therapeutic amounts of quality nutrients to enable the body to heal itself. Next, we must remove as many sources of toxic exposure as possible, detoxify the body of bio-accumulated toxins and use specialty up-regulating nutrients to help the body rapidly overcome infections.
Immune-Specific Support
When the body is fighting infection, all nutrients essential for life need to be generously supplied Super Trio delivers an abundant amount of these nutrients.
Coral Complex
Green Mix
EFA Oil Blend
The Super Trio provides broad-spectrum nutritional support. With the SuperFood Trio as a solid nutritional foundation, we are ready to provide the following for solid immune-specific support:
Broad-Base Immune Support
Colostrum helps support the immune system Nucleotide dead stop colds/flu and reduce injury recovery time up to 67%.
Chronic Immune-Specific Support
Immune Complex is important when the body is dealing with nanobacteria.
Allicidin has a kill rate against a broad-spectrum of infectious organisms.
Biofilm Elimination
Over 99% of all infections are now know to live in biofilms. Biofilms are thick, sticky polysaccharide sacs. When a bilfilm’s mass enlarges greater than 15 mm in diameter, it is beyond the capability of the macrophage’s immune attack and neccessitates the use of biofilm destructive nutrients.
Betaine HCL and HCL Activator
These products eliminate chronic biofilms. If used aggressively, it can elicit strong detox symptoms such as cold/flu symptoms, runny nose, fever, achy joints, etc.)
Allicidin provides gentle biofilm detoxification by delivery of unstable sulfur compunds which reduces the detox load to the kidney and liver

Step 5: Rejuvenate the Body’s System

Lean-Body Whey Protein Blend
Adaptogen Complex
It provides immune-boosting support, delivering increased energy, DNA repair, antioxidant protection and peak performance, including upregulation of the hormones in the brain as well as supporting adrenals
Lean-Body Whey Protein Blend & Adaptogen Complex
These two products together support easy, steady, lasting elimination of body fat, and when combined with exercise, can also help increase muscle mass.
Daily Maintenance Program
The Super Food Trio is designed to deliver every nutrient essential for life.
Coral Complex
Green Mix
EFA Oil Blend
Maximum Stress Support
Maximum Stress Support supplies the B vitamins during high stress periods.
Whole Body Support
Don’t eat cooked food without it. It spares your digestive power as well as your vital organic acid tissue reserves.
Broad-spectrum DNA protection and immune up regulation.
DHLA Nano-Plex
An antioxidant capable of quenching every known free radical for anti-aging protection, and repair of DNA strand breaks.
Call Dr. John Alderson for a consultation: 713-339-2000 or visit www.DrJohnAlderson.com 

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